This plot was originally based on a real news story involving the re-entry (and hence destruction) of the Jules Verne (an 'automated transport vehicle' space craft). Despite being the 'biggest and best' of its type, it had reached the end of its lifespan and was being sent back to Earth...
The plot has changed a bit (as I'm sure everyone's has) and is now a love story involving two space craft; Jules Verne and Athena. It's basically about JV's arrogance which prohibits him from showing his true feelings to Athena. When she gets into trouble, JV makes a genuine gesture of love and selflessness, allowing them both to admit their love for one-another, even if it is too late.
I'm still unsure as to a particular aesthetic. Any suggestions would go down a treat!
its a tough almost wants to be CG or stop motion...have you considered stopmotion satelites with 2d animated faces
I agree, it would've been good in 3D, but with my skills it'll never happen! Is it too late to involve some models?
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